Our Vision
Humble Squire Ministry is dedicated to:
Faithfulness to Christ: Encouraging believers to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
Biblical Foundations: Grounding our fellowship in Scripture, undiluted by the influence of hyper-grace theology or dispensationalist interpretations.
Healing and Restoration: Addressing the spiritual confusion caused by modern distortions and leading believers to authentic discipleship.
Community and Support: Serving one another and our neighbors with humility, love, and truth, in accordance with God's will.

Our Mission
Humble Squire Ministry exists to reach people where they are, bringing the light of Christ into their lives. Our mobile ministry model allows us to serve individuals who might not otherwise connect with traditional church settings. Rooted in Psalm 119:105, we strive to reflect God’s Word as a lamp to the feet of those we encounter, offering hope, encouragement, and practical resources.
Get to know us
Organizational Overview:
1. Name: Humble Squire Ministry. Our organization is a Private Membership Association (PMA) and Ministry operating exclusively within the private domain and pursuant to the rights of free association and religious freedom guaranteed under the United States Constitution and applicable state laws.
2. Nature: The Ministry is a private, faith-based association dedicated to advancing Christian fellowship, holistic health, natural living, and personal liberty through education, advocacy, and community engagement.
3. Governance: The Ministry operates under Articles of Association and a Governance Structure rooted in Biblical principles, with oversight provided by a Board of Elders.
4. Activities: Our activities include worship services, educational workshops, advocacy initiatives, and community outreach. Participation is exclusively limited to members who voluntarily agree to our terms and guidelines.
Non-Public and Non-Commercial Nature:
Humble Squire Ministry does not engage in public commerce or activities that fall under state regulatory authority. All services, programs, and events are offered exclusively to private members under mutual agreements.
Purpose of Notification:
This notification is provided to ensure transparency and to formally affirm our intention to operate as a private entity. That way there is no assumptions or presumptions about our status. We welcome any questions or requests for additional information.
Inquires can be made by email at info@humblesquire.com
Restoring believers to Christ's foundational teachings.
© 2024. All rights reserved.
A Word of Commitment
As Paul reminds us in Colossians 3:17, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.”
Humble Squire Ministry is committed to embodying this verse in all we do. Together, let us worship, serve, and grow in unity under Christ, rejecting what is false and clinging to the truth that leads to eternal life.
By downloading any material from HumbleSquire.com, you agree to be bound by our Privacy Agreement. All content, including lessons, materials, and resources, is the intellectual property of Humble Squire Ministry. Reproduction, distribution, or sharing of any materials, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the express written consent of Pastor Benjamin, except for Bible verses, which may be shared in accordance with fair use and scripture citation practices.
The content presented on HumbleSquire.com is designed to illuminate truths that may challenge personal comfort and preconceptions. We recognize that engaging with such material can sometimes result in cognitive dissonance, as deeply held beliefs are examined in light of facts.
Please note that the information shared, is presented objectively and without regard for individual feelings. Our commitment is to truth and transparency, and we invite all visitors to approach this material with an open mind and a willingness to explore deeper understanding.
For inquiries or permission requests, please contact us at: info@humblesquire.com.